How to Create Repeat-Buyers and Sell Radiant Shield All Year

How to Create Repeat-Buyers and Sell Radiant Shield All Year

There’s more to Radiant Shield SPF 40 than meets the eye. While most patients fall in love with this product the moment they try it, there are a few common misconceptions that can make it harder to reach that point.

In this article, we’ll show you how you can revamp your messaging around Radiant Shield to sell it as a year-round essential and reach new repeat buyers.


Misconception #1: Radiant Shield is just an SPF

Radiant Shield offers global protection against all sources of environmental skin aging. This includes UVA and UVB, like traditional SPFs, but it also protects against blue (high-energy visible) light, environmental pollution down to ultra-fine PM 0.1 size, and free radical damage.

Radiant Shield contains Ectoin®, a modern super-ingredient that carries a wide range of skin rejuvenation and maintenance properties. For example, Ectoin® provides lasting hydration, supports Langerhans cells, and greatly improves protection against pollution, to name just a few of its wide-ranging benefits.

The FDA requires us to put “SPF” in the title of Radiant Shield SPF 40, but it is so much more. In your messaging, we recommend talking about Radiant Shield as an “anti-aging protective moisturizer” rather than simply as an SPF or sunscreen.


Misconception #2: Radiant Shield is just for summer use

This misconception goes hand-in-hand with the first, since SPF usage is much higher in summer. In fact, Radiant Shield is as good in winter as it is in summer.

Radiant Shield protects from damage caused by environmental particulate matter, or pollution. Studies have shown that particulate matter levels are higher indoors than outdoors, so Radiant Shield is still incredibly useful when patients stay in during the winter.

Winter is the hardest time of year to maintain skin because of environmental dryness and arid central heating. Beyond protection, Radiant Shield is one of the best moisturizers that patients can use this time of year. It repairs and supports the skin barrier to greatly reduce trans-epidermal water loss (TEWL).

Radiant Shield is a lightweight, silky formula with great spreadability, and it is easily absorbed into skin. At all times of year, it’s fantastic for both protection and hydration.


How to Introduce Radiant Shield to your Product Line and Patients

Because of these common misconceptions, it’s more important for you to walk patients through Radiant Shield and its benefits than other products. Here are a few tips that will help your patients discover and fall in love with it.


Use it in their next facial or procedure

Radiant Shield is an excellent option to finish your patient’s next treatment with. As you apply the product, explain its benefits, purposes, misconceptions, and what makes it so special.

Procedures should always end with product recommendations to keep skin healthy while it heals. Radiant Shield is a part of our Post Procedure Kit, which is our top recommendation after all procedures. One great way to increase post-procedure sales is to include helpful products like Post Procedure Kit in the price of the procedure, which will also introduce Radiant Shield.


Testers, samples, and staff

Radiant Shield is unique, and like most products, patients will not fully perceive its value until they try it themselves. Your staff can help with this.

Train staff to promote Radiant Shield directly to patients, informing them about its unique benefits and offering a free sample to try. Once patients feel how silky, hydrated, and smooth their skin feels, they’ll want to take it home.


Add it to their regimen with a promotion

An example promotion would be: “Buy $150 worth of products and get a free Radiant Shield.” Structure a promotion so that the next time a patient comes to buy their normal product regimen, they take home a Radiant Shield too.


Final Thoughts

Radiant Shield is a powerful, active-packed product that is great year-round, with remarkable moisturizing, hydrating, and brightening benefits. We’re confident that once patients try it, they’ll love it. The hardest part about selling Radiant Shield, then, is launching and introducing it to patients.

By clearing common misconceptions, using it in treatments, and promoting in-office, you’ll gain repeat sales from loyal followers who fall in love with this product.

Learn more about Radiant Shield’s benefits here next.

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